Another cute little story (I think???) Jill was working a puzzle on the floor; Erin was riding a little riding toy and wanted Jill to move the puzzle out of her way. Jill wouldn't move it. So here's the story I got from Erin. She came into the bathroom while I was brushing my teeth.
"Mimi...I asked Jill to move her puzzle out of the way for me. I was pretending my foot was broken and I needed to get through on my car and Jill wouldn't cooperate and I had to move her puzzle forcefully." So Erin and I had a little talk about moving Jill's things forcefully, and then I checked on Jill to see how she handled having her puzzle "forcefully" moved out of the way.
Anyway, as usual, they were lots of fun.
On another matter, I've joined a sit and sew group with four other ladies, taking turns going to each others' houses once a month and working on our quilts and it's really fun seeing the quilts other people are working on, and the ones they've made over the years. October is the third month for this group and they come here on the 30th. It's really enjoyable and I've already picked up some sewing and quilting tips.