This article was in the neighborhood section today. Uncle George was interviewed about his bowling. It says he bowled a 247, but he told me he actually only bowled a 151..not bad. The 247 was with handicap. He won the jackpot that game. Mark and I went to court with him this morning, and you guessed it - we need to go back on April 9th. It was postponed until then. Because Frankfort hasn't been officially notified that he's passed his drivers test, and that will help reduce the felony charge to just a traffic violation, or whatever. I think Mark and I will just mark one day a month for the next year for court with Uncle George.
Let's see...I had lunch at Chili's with friends last week, and we solved the problems of the world, amongst other things. SO...the economy should soon improve, the wars should end soon, etc., etc., etc.
The house next to us, the big white one, will be going on the market soon. The one, if you're facing our house, is to our left. You know, the nuns. It's always interesting getting new neighbors. We've seen a lot of people come and go around here. But we're not going anywhere, boy. We're a permanent fixture on the Goddard Hill.
Well, that's all of my little news segment for now. Adios.