Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sometimes It's The Little Things

Sometimes it's the little things in life that drive a person crazy. If you've been reading Bobby's latest blog entries, you know he went off and joined the Navy at an early age - handled it well. Shipped off to Vietnam - handled it well. He supported a family of 5 - the big things never threw him. He lost his job at Coca Cola, which never should have happened - he handled it with class. He worked long, hard hours at Toyota - handled it well. However, picking out shampoo seems to drive him nuts. How many times have I heard: " I don't want to add curl or straighten my hair, or restore moisture or add any kind of balance to my hair, or rejuvenate the color; I just want to get my hair clean. Why can't they just make regular shampoo?"


Bad Bob said...

I don't want any 'sheen' or extra bounce either.

Judith Bowman said...

Love it! look at allllll the choices you have for every kind of treatment available! Isn't that great? C'mon, Bad Bob - you can do it! And then you could try allll the groovy ways to DRY your hair! Ever use scotch tape? Big rollers?Stinky perms? (Been there, done that). ML will help you, won't you, ML?