Monday, November 14, 2011

2 favorites and a not so favorite

Two of my favorite phone calls lately came from Mark & Kevin - Mark telling me he'd seen the first snow of the season, Kevin telling me he'd seen the first Christmas decorations of the season. I love that snow and Christmas decorations reminded them of their mom. My not so favorite is the word "folks." President Bush used it all the time, and so does President Obama. Why do they never use "people?" It's always folks this, folks that. That word is just so....I don't know....folksy.


Bad Bob said...

I'm sure our boys think about their mother very often and appreciate how important you have been in their lives.

Judith Bowman said...

Your boys are all awesome fellas! And I mean that.

I wonder if people use the term "folks" to try and sound more down-to-earth or friendly. When I hear the word 'folks' I think of Little House on the Prairie or Ma Clampett. Ha!