Well, I finished one border for my flower garden quilt, have sewn it onto the quilt two times, and am in the process of ripping it off for the second time. Can't get it on correctly. So I'm going to watch Oprah in a little while, rip off the border, and lay it aside for awhile. I know the problem now, but figure two times in one day is enough. I'll figure out another pasttime while Oprah talks to Sarah. I just have to watch this interview - Sarah's such a kick.
Took my walk today - but a short one. When I walk with Jeanie at Seneca's track we go 4 1/2 miles, but when I walk by myself I don't go that far. It's a little more boring to walk alone, even if I walk Bardstown Road, which can be quite interesting in itself.
Tomorrow evening I'm attending a Christmas Bazaar with Connie, supposed to be a really good one at the Olmstead, highly recommended to me, so I'm looking forward to going. And then Wednesday is the Thanksgiving lunch at Jill's school, and then we're attending at Daisy Scout get-together with Erin. Looking forward to both.
Last night we saw Amelia - she didn't make it. Sorry...if anyone reading this is going to see the movie, hope I didn't ruin the ending for you. Mostly I enjoyed being with Linda & Dub, having dinner with them. We had a good time. And Bobby and I are doing the Nielson T.V. survey this week. It's sort of a pain...okay...it's a real pain. But we said we'd do it, so when we watch t.v., we faithfully fill out our little booklet, what we watched, what station, for how long, etc. It lasts one week. We mail the diaries back in on Thursday. I've already reviewed my viewing habits, and it's exactly what I knew them to be - almost always the news shows and political shows, and mostly in the evening while I'm quilting or reading. Let's see, can't think of anything else to entertain you with. So....Adios.