Friday, November 13, 2009

Fifteen Days Until

Fifteen days until Christmas decorations go up. I might sneak a few up next week. That would be so unlike me, of course, to jump the gun like that. But I could maybe slip a little something into the upstairs bedroom and upstairs bathroom a little early. We'll see. I've already bought a few items on the list for Thanksgiving dinner. I always do the grocery list for that way ahead of time, too. Maybe I'll nose around in the attic today and see what's in there. Hope it's all Christmas decors and no dead squirrels that have made their way in, the little varmints. It's Friday 13th. Everyone watch out. I think there's an old saying that goes, "on Friday the 13th in November, look in your attic and pull out maybe one or two Christmas decorations."


Bad Bob said...

I think the "old saying" is":
When you get the itch to decorate
It's best just to sit and wait.
Think awhile and you'll remember
Decorations go up in December, not November.

Mary Lynn's Blog said...

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah......

Mark said...

Whoa, I didn't know last Friday was the 13th until just now! It's only bad luck if you know it's happening.

Also, out tree is already up and our shopping is done. Yesterday afternoon I put up about fifty light-up white wicker reindeer on our lawn. Tonight I'm dressing up as Santa and ringing doorbells.