Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October chitchat

Not that much going on...Brian stopped by last night and helped Bobby move the worn out chair out of our living room, and they carried the rocker from the upstairs bedroom into the living room. It makes the room look bigger, and I've wanted that worn chair out of there for weeks and weeks - it had a big hole in the seat of it. Thank you for your help, Brian!

I took George to the doctor Monday, and am doing the same this afternoon. I'm going to remind him AGAIN that he should use Twinbrook more often for his rides, and see where that gets us. But I think I know where it will get us. And June is still in the hospital, having a very slow recovery. The doctors said that her brain trouble right now is definitely a result of her having been attacked and mugged.

Tomorrow is lunch with Judi, Chris and Kathy - always a fun time, and Friday a hair appointment; Good bye gray roots. And I got some Christmas shopping done this week, the latest start I've had in years to my Christmas shopping. Discovered a little boutique, Mary Katherine's and Me, that was fun to shop in. Have to get back in there sometime.

I'm also wondering where Kevin has disappeared to - on his blogging, I mean. KEVIN- WHERE ARE YOU? Have you forgotten how to type?

Our power was off for about an hour last night - don't know what the problem was, and our t.v. was out for about 45 minutes this morning. Wierd!

There are 2 movies out that I think would be good - Margin Call and Contagion. We're supposed to see Contagion with Dub & Linda sometime soon. Anybody seen either of these movies?

Well, I can't write as long as Beth did on her blog. But I tried.


Bad Bob said...

Nice Blog. I know when Beth blogs she has to make an effort to keep it short, which will be a long blog, anyway. When I read Beth's Blog I read it real fast and act like she's talking to me.

Mark said...

HAH HAH HAH! That's funny.