Sunday, January 11, 2009

2008 major accomplishment

Is anyone interested in one of my major accomplishments in 2008? It was learning to put eyedrops in my own eyes quickly and efficiently. My eyes had been blurring on me, and upon visiting the eye doctor I discovered that sometimes when people reach middle age like me their eyes can dry out like mine have, and I was advised to use drops 3 times a day. Bobby put them in for me for months, but every time he put them in, he almost missed. I'd tell him every time that he "almost missed." So I decided to learn to do this on my own. I first used Brian's method, letting the drop run off the side of my nose, and it worked, but discovered if I rested my index finger below my eye, rested the bottle on my index finger, extremely close to my eye, I could get two drops in every time, quickly without fail. Presto!!!!!
And for those who are thinking Bobby either missed or he didn't---I KNOW!! That's a little laugh we had going back to when Julie was a bank teller here in Louisville and she counted out some money to a little old man, and he stood and recounted it twice. When she asked him if she gave him the correct amount back, he replied, "Just barely." So anyway, no telling what I'll accomplish in '09!!


Bad Bob said...

Wow! It's amazing how much you've accomplished in just one year. Maybe by the end of 2009 you'll be able to kill a spider or remove the giblet package from inside the turkey!

Anonymous said...

Wonder if Big Bad Bob can sew a quilt or make a cute jacket out of a sweatshirt and quilt pieces?

Mark said...

Kill a spider/remove a giblet package
sew a quilt/make a cute jacket

...those are skills at the opposite extremes of the spectrum.