Monday, February 2, 2009

Our home away from home

Well, it's aways a good feeling to get home, back into the familiar routines, etc., BUT...I can't imagine how it is for people who don't have a family to lean on. I was warmly welcomed by Brian & Beth Tuesday night and slept all snuggly on their sofa, and knew we were welcome for as long as we needed a warm place to be. Bobby & I did, however, blaze a trail out to Mark & Kims' on Wednesday where we remained until Sunday afternoon. Before I tell you about our stay there, I also want to mention that I didn't hesitate to invite Brother Mark to their house also, knowing he would be welcome. And I was right. However, his power was restored more quickly and he didn't have to take them up on their hospitality. I'm going to list a few of my remembrances of the week, mostly concerning Erin & Jill, of course. But first, anyone who reads my blog probably knows Mark & Kim as well as I do, and is already familiar with the warmth you feel anytime you're in their home. They just have this knack....this "come on over everybody" way about them. It's great. So like I said, it's naturally good to be home, but what a family we have.
1. Jill snuggling into bed with Bobby and me early one morning.
2. Erin requesting that I tuck her into bed and read her a chapter of her fairy book
3. Bobby & I getting to fix pancakes for breakfast for Erin & Jill
4. Getting to watch Erin & Jill running & laughing in the snow in their backyard with their daddy
5. Playing an ABC board game with Erin, and being PRETTY SURE she was making up some of the rules as we went along
6. Jill marching like she was on a mission into the family room, Raggedy Ann doll in hand, climbing onto my lap, and falling fast asleep in less than one minute.
7. Playing "drop the dominoes in the can" with Erin, which I came up with--telling her that when I was her age we used to play drop the clothespin in the bottle at birthday parties. I then had to tell her what a clothespin was and explain that milk used to come in bottles.
8. Getting to go shopping with Kim & Erin at Kohls when the roads improved--Erin dressed for the weather in her coat, hat, gloves, but absolutely INSISTING on wearing the new spring shoes she had. THAT'S MY GIRL!!
9. Hearing the very end of a conversation between Kim and Erin at Kohls--Kim explaining to Erin what a "bargain" was.
10. Seeing Kim wearing her footed p.j.'s with the monkey feet in them.
11. Watching Mark brush Erin's hair after helping the girls with their baths.
12. Jill climbing off the chair at BoomBozz Pizza, putting her head in my lap and falling asleep while standing there.
13. Reading bedtime stories to Erin & Jill in Erin's room (not know that this was going to include climbing to the top bunk and reading up there---LIKE DADDY DOES)
14. Listening to the little ELMO radio (Jill's favorite) play music. and play. and play. and play.
and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play
15 Watching Kim trying unsuccessfully to stay awake during Mama Mia (that is, when I wasn't dozing myself)
16 Watching Jill run from room to room, non stop, all the time, for five days. She never walks.
(Remember Edith Bunker?)
17. Telling Erin that our electricity was back on and we were going back to our house. Erin quietly saying "But I don't want you to go."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your story is wonderful. I can feel the warmth from your words. I played Monopoly (with all animal and kids properties etc.)with Thomas and Ellen. I too feel bad for all the folks still without power.