Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas decorations are up

The tree lights were an aggravation again this year, but I'm well satisfied with the results. Though from this picture, and especially the one of the mantel picture, it looks like one big fireball. Sort of like when we put the 80 candles on Daddy's birthday cake. But it doesn't look like that in real life.
Little story about Jill when I was playing hide & seek with her and Erin yesterday. I looked in Jill's closet to see if one of them was hiding in there, and in doing that, knocked the lengthwise hanging pole down that was holding Jill's dresses, jackets, etc. They fell off hangers, and it was a mess, and I couldn't figure how to get it back up. Jill, while turning her back and walking away, said, "You have a BIG problem." Making it quite clear it wasn't her problem and she wasn't sticking around to help. Earlier in the day when she was at our house, she was eating lunch. She really had eaten quite a bit. But she eyed the candy canes. She said, "I'm fu...(stopped in the middle of her word). Then changed it to, "I'm NOT full, but I'm though with my lunch. Can I have a candy cane?" Quickly realizing if she said she was full, she may not get that candy cane. She's a sharp one. Needless to say, she got the candy cane.
Erin said she had a good day at school, got her allergy shot with no problem, and we had a good time. But I hate it that Kim's sick. That's not a good way to get to spend time with Erin and Jill.
But they sure are sweet little things.
Twenty more days until Jill turns 4. Can you believe it?


Bad Bob said...

I measured Jill to see how tall she was when she was here Monday. I like to measure them close to their Birthdays. And, I figured it was close enough. Anyway, Jill is almost 2 1/2 inches shorter than Erin at the same age.

Judith Bowman said...

These pictures are so pretty and Christmasy! Wonder what little stories you'll collect around them this year - you know, from those little elves named Erin and Jillian!