Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Cutie Pies

Okay, I'm coming down off a grand-daugher high from the sleepover, ready to settle into quilting, selecting one of five new books to read, and looking forward to pajama day on Friday. And Channel 20 is having a Barney Miller Marathon on New Years day, so it looks like I'm all set. I'll tell you this, from the moment Jill's eyes open in the morning, her little mouth is going, talking and talking and talking. Erin still wanted to sleep, Jill wouldn't quit talking, and finally Erin was saying, "Jiiiillllll..... pleeeeeeeease." trying to get her to quiet down. It doesn't work. She sure wakes up happy and ready to go. If you're not a morning person, like Erin, it must be hard to understand. Erin definitely likes to ease into the morning; Jill just hits the ground running. Again, it was a fun sleepover. Is anyone else out there having Pajama Day? It's Grrrrrrreat!


Bad Bob said...

I think Erin shows traces of the chocolate covered cherry she just ate and Jill has a Hot Chocolate mustache.

Judith Bowman said...

Ha! What a fun time with those two little cuties - chocolate faces and all! I know they had a great time at Mimi and Grandpa's house (maybe even as much as Mimi and Grandpa). Yes - I and I'll bet all of this family - will be in PJ's New Year's Day. Yay!

Brian said...

I wonder if I could wear pajamas into work?