Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bella Rosa/ Doll Quilt

Quilt Completed! The name of this quilt on the pattern is Bella Rosa; however, I call it the Doll Quilt. It's 61 in. x 92 in. and it's darling. The dolls do remind me, though, of little white baby Aunt Jamimas. I finished it yesterday after my sit & sew quilting group left. It's pieced on the machine, and I did a scallop quilting, the quilting done by hand. This is for Erin & Jill to use when they have sleep overs at our house.
I believe I started this quilt in late July, but also worked on my other quilt at the same time, and didn't work on either quilt in Novemeber or December. So it really didn't take that long. Now I'll concentrate on the applique flower quilt, but also intend to start another project because it's more fun to have more than one going at a time. Thinking about hooking another rug instead of starting another quilt. Maybe I'll post photos of my rugs and see how they show up on the blog.


Kevin said...

Dat one danged fine quilt. You be doin' sum qualdee art der.
I guess I can't be president.

Mark said...

Looks fantastic!

Judith Bowman said...

Mary Lynn, this is gorgeous!