Saturday, April 10, 2010

Latest Sleepover

Here's Erin sometime during our sleepover, concentrating on playing Tetris. She's all comfortable in the recliner.

When we were ready for bed, Erin and Jill had flashlights in bed playing with them. I was sleeping in a make-shift bed at the foot of their bed. I told Bobby that Jill lost her flashlight somewhere in the covers twice..that two times I heard..."Mimi, I can't find my flashlight." (Please don't mistake this for a complaint. Believe me, it's not.) When I was telling him this, Erin quickly corrected with, "No, Mimi, you just had to help her twice. She lost it four times." And Jill squirms in her sleep like nothing I've ever seen. Once I saw her with her feet on her pillow, which left Erin's feet practically in Jill's face. AND...once, now this is the truth, she squirmed and squirmed and wiggled and wiggled and ended up with both feet on the floor, standing, leaning over with her head on the bed, still sound asleep. I seriously considered getting the camera, but kept thinking of that flash in her eyes and couldn't bring myself to take the chance. I went on back to sleep so I'm not sure how long she stayed that way.

This is Erin all comfy with her Daddy after the sleepover was about over. Mark and Kim had just arrived to pick them up. I probably shouldn't have used this picture of Mark because he's sleep deprived from having coughed through the nights lately - sorry, Mark. I hope you feel better soon. But I liked how Erin climbed onto his lap when he got here. We had such a good time with these precious girls.


Bad Bob said...

Doesn't Erin look comfortable in Grampy's chair?

Judith Bowman said...

I knew Jill wiggled alot in her sleep, but that's hilarious. And yes, Erin looks very comfy in Grampy's chair. And so cute with her Daddy. By the way, Did Grampy snore at the sleepover?

Bad Bob said...

Grampy was told by Jill not to snore, so he didn't,