Thursday, April 8, 2010

Some More Old Family Photos

1. The two pitching horseshoes is Julie (then Wagner) and Dorothy, Joe Tabler's ex. The back of the picture says Dorothy won 21-20 and it took them 1 hr 24 min. to play the game.
2. This little baby is Big Bad Bob when he was two months old. Once a charmer, always a charmer.
3. That's me holding a darling little girl. Yep, that's Karen Krider, and I'm sorry to say there's no date on the back of the picture.
4. At the ball game is Brian Tabler with his then closest friend Eli Martin, who was "always" with us, either at our house or accompanying us wherever we went. He was like a fourth son. We were crazy about him. I believe he lives in California now. Photo in 1984.
5. The little boy in overalls is pretty recognizable, I think. It still looks like Allan Tabler. This was taken in 1980. What a cutie.
6. And who is the mystery photo in the wig and big glasses? Yep, Brian. Taken in 1984. I don't know who he was supposed to be. Charming....


Judith Bowman said...

Love these pictures!

KimT said...

Didn't do quite as well on these . . .Couldn't see Julie's face well enough to tell it was her, but I am sure I would have recognized her if I could have!! I took a wild guess on the baby pic and was wrong. I know the next was MLT with a Krider . . .I guessed Jennifer. I knew the next one was Brian and Eli (although I never met Eli, I knew that had to be him!!)I guessed that Allan was Kevin. He looks a lot like Kevin in this picture. And I knew for sure the last one was Brian. (who else?!)