Monday, July 19, 2010

Another Fun Willow Park Concert

Well, last night was a good night for a concert; good temps, and the rain managed to stay away. The problem was, the cloudy skys kept friends and family away, too, we think. And then do you know what happened? This charming lady sat next to us. Notice the tray attached to her chair. Plenty of room for her ashtray. Cigarette smoke blowing in our faces. So we moved, of course. Lost our usual up front, first class seats. But it was still a fun evening.
The guy in the red shirt danced most of the evening by himself, and he really got into the music, as you can tell by his expression. He'd move all around the dance floor. Once in awhile he'd hook up with a group, but usually he was alone. And we "dug" the hat worn by the lady across from him. She was so snazzy???

And that's my concert report.

1 comment:

Judith Bowman said...

Well, the pictures tell it all...good grief!