Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Painted Bathroom

Ta da....I've now painted that pesky bathroom. The two photos with white wall are before, and the lovely green shade is after. Mark's blog about having only two months to make his Halloween costume inspired me. I realized it would be time to decorate for Christmas before I knew it and that I wouldn't allow myself to put a Christmas decoration in the bathroom before it was painted. Of course, painting called for new towels, new shower curtain, new towel bars, and digging out different curtains from a trunk upstairs. I feel a sense of accomplishment. Maybe because I procrastinated for eight months.


Mark said...

Quite lovely. I simply cannot wait to see it done up for the Holidays.

Bad Bob said...

"The Painted Bathroom". Sounds like the title to a John Grisham novel.

Judith Bowman said...

Yay! The green looks wonderful. You have definitely inspired me. To do what, I am not sure since I have so many things to get done... I am sincerely inspired enough to start...