Friday, April 2, 2010

Do You Recognize These People

If you recognize all these people, then you've been a Wagner/Tabler for a long, long time.
Some are grown up now. Of course, Daddy and Bobby's dad are deceased. And a few blew the coop. (or were pushed out of the coop) I'll post some more old photos within the next few days. Do you know them all? I'm going to describe them now, so don't read any further if you want to figure out who they are.
1. Walking in the grass is Allison, (Ben's daughter) Mark Tabler, and Linda, who is Ben's first wife.
2. Baby in blue is Beth Garvey, with Bobby's Dad. Taken in 1982.
3. Eating at table is Jimmy Garvey, Julie's ex. Daddy is next to him, and Julie on other side. photo taken in 1982.
4. Five people in photo, Mark, Kevin, Brian, Mary Lynn, And Wanda, who is Ben's second wife. Taken in Florida in 1985.
5. Brent Wagner opening gift, and Terri Wagner, Mark's ex, and Daddy. taken in 1985.


Bad Bob said...

I knew'en all, but then I've been in the family for awhile.

Kevin said...

I scored 100%, too, but I admit I didn't really recognize Allison and Linda- I just deduced if from figuring out the smallest was Mark. Of course, that was the only pic that predated me so I can be excused for having difficulty.

KimT said...

Can you believe I knew them all except the ex-es that I never knew?!?! And I'll admit I guessed on Beth Garvey, but I guessed right!

Mark said...

I didn't have a guess on Wanda, though I should have. I also guessed wrong on Beth Garvey.