Tuesday, May 18, 2010

birthdays past and present

The top pictures are Bobby making my birthday cake when we lived in California. It was my 21st birthday. Oh so many birthdays ago. The bottom one was yesterday. Funny how my 21st birthday cake had more candles than my 64th. He always makes me a cake. He's a sweetie pie.
We were talking about birthday parties we attended when we were kids. I told him about one I went to when I was four or five years old. I don't remember this, but I remember Dot telling the story. It was Wayne's party - my next door neighbor. When I came home, Dot asked if Wayne blew out all the candles on his cake. I told her, "No, I beat him to it."
I bet I was popular at parties.

1 comment:

Bad Bob said...

She didn't mention that the cake I made in California for her 21st Birthday was made from SCRATCH! It probably wasn't the best tasting cake, but it had a lot of love baked into it.