Sunday, August 15, 2010

Whoa...What's That in the Washer?

I went to do a load of laundry Sunday morning, and guess what was hopping around in the washer? My least favorite insect of all - a cricket. What to do. What to do. So I decided to drown him a little bit. And when I was done, he was just as dead as if I'd decided to drown him a lot. I guess the next time he'll know better than to get in my washer, won't he.


Judith Bowman said...

Oh my gosh...if Erin ever catches you doing that, maybe you could just close the lid, put your ear up to the side and pretend you're listening in on a bug experiment - like Brian and Julie's.

P.S. Quick thinking though! ;)

Brian said...

you're didn't find a little top hat floating in their did you?