Saturday, July 4, 2009

July Fourth Week End

Happy 4th. This is the week end we'd normally celebrate Mark's & Kevin's birthdays, but we're putting that on hold until next week end. However, tomorrow Mark, Kim, Erin & Jill, Brian & Beth, and Judy are coming over for sandwiches and homemade ice cream. It's just not 4th of July without that ice cream. Kevin will be playing golf out of town, but he did get by to sample the ice cream on Friday.

It's rained all day; not too pleasant for any outdoor activities, but I completed another quilt block today. And our day started with a phone call from Erin - she wanted to tell us that she tied her shoes all by herself. Good heavens - what next. Anyway - I finished making the ice cream today, and of course, the chocolate (sticky) syrup, and made some chocolate soy ice cream for Jill, and it's quite good, if I do say so myself. Anyway - hope everyone's enjoying the holiday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Homemade ice cream sure sounds good. Happy 4th and the rest of the week too.