Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ike Anniversary

A year from tomorrow, the 14th, is when the remnants of hurricane ike went roaring through and we were without power for 8 1/2 days. I sure hope we don't have a repeat of that little event. I do wonder where that crazy woman is that Kim and I spoke to in Tyler Park, the one who thought we'd had a tornado and didn't know there had been damage throughout the city, state and across the country. I guess she's living contentedly in her little cave somewhere.

On another subject, Bobby and I bought out the city at yard sales yesterday. It's like Bobby said, sometimes we can go to 20 sales and not find a thing that interests us. Then yesterday, one sale after another had finds that we just couldn't let go. It was lots of fun. Lots of bargains. Then in the afternoon Mark, Kim, Erin and Jill came over. It's harder to find a time to have Erin and Jill over now that they have their school schedule and we miss having them over as often as we used to. Jill was her usual little chatter box self. They both seem to really enjoy playing the old maid card game. And I'd love for you to hear Kim tell about Erin yesterday at the Personal Opinion toy study she went to. Have you heard of Personal Opinion? They needed 5 and 6 year old girls for input about a toy, and would get to keep the toy plus $15.00. It would take an hour. Kim, of course, got to stay with her. Personal Opinion is a reputable group; I've answered their surveys and gone to their groups before, and Bobby did one a few weeks ago. But as it turned out Erin had to watch commercials, and apparently when asked about them, decided to become a little mute. It was so funny hearing Kim tell about it. She said Erin probably skewed their results big time. Funny, funny, funny. It's funny because Erin could probably repeat back verbatim every commercial she saw. But she still got her Polly Pockets toy and her $15.00. Good deal.

Erin and Jill helped me put together some dresses for a quilt I''m making. Now I can start sewing these dresses and then sew the dresses onto the quilt blocks.

Merry Ike Anniversary, Everybody.


Mark said...

And a merry and blessed Ike anniversary to you, too, Mom.

Judith Bowman said...

Sounds like a fun anniversary! (With the electricity this time). Ha! Erin is full of surprises. They both are. Yesterday I watched them at Hounz Lane Park for a while - what fun, and a gorgeous day for it. They didn't stop go-go-going. They ended up being horses in the Kentucky Derby, galloping around the circular playground area for three races.Then "eating" left-over grass clippings they had piled up for a snack. (Now, where in the world would they have learned about the Kentucky Derby...?) I got in trouble for letting them take their shoes and socks off in the playground mulch. Live and learn.(At least I didn't let them go into the creek, like some other wacky moms were doing that day)! Anyway, they had a great time. I got tired just watching them!