Sunday, October 31, 2010

Being Entertained by Erin & Jill

The house is quiet. Erin and Jill spent the night last night, and now are home, no doubt getting ready for trick or treating. And once again we had so much fun with them. We put the mattress to the hideabed on the floor and they slept on it - something different. Erin was reading a mummy book, and noticed strange shadows. What fun. Or at least she really seemed to think so. She's an avid reader and told me about the Cam Jansing books she's now interested in. We also played battleship, Erin and me against Bobby and Jill. Erin loves this game, and Jill played for the first time and also played the entire game and liked it. However, this blog is mostly to write about a specific dinner conversation. We were talking about the years we were born, and Bobby asked them if they could imagine that he had once been a little baby. Jill looked kind of dubious, and said...a baby with a mustache?