Tuesday, March 17, 2009

This & That

When I went for a walk the other day, I saw a man unloading his tree and limb debris out of his truck at the corner house at Goddard & Baxter. I can only assume this man cut down a tree and already had pick-up in his area, and in order to get rid of it, brought it to an area that hasn't been picked up yet from the ice storm.

I went to music together with Erin & Jill today; was Erin ever wound up at music. She was certainly enjoying herself, dancing everywhere, singing up a storm, having a good old time. When we got back to their house, Erin and Jill both had fun holding rolly polly bugs and worms, found in the garden; they think the rolly pollys are cute. Kim and Mark have a statue of an angel in the flower garden in front of their house. Jill got a stick with mud on it to paint "little miss muffet's" hair brown. Good name for an angel, I guess. Erin told me how she cried when she had to take her medicine because it tasted so bad, but then her daddy had a plan. Now they put the medicine with honey, and it's not so bad anymore. Then when Kim, Erin, Jill and I were going for a walk, Kim sent them in to go to the potty first. Erin came out dressed in her princess outfit for the walk - frilly costume, beads, pink headband - what a doll. Kim asked Erin if Jill was in the bathroom going to the potty. "No. She's flossing," says Erin. Well, I guess it's easy for Jill to get a little off course.

Last night while I cut out quilt pieces, Bobby folded laundry. Then when Brian stopped by, we asked him if he wanted something to eat, he said no, he was going home to prepare a little something for their dinner because Beth was at jazzercize. Way to go Tabler Men.

I'm not going to proof this. If they're are errors, sorry. But it's cold in this basement.


Brian said...

I cheated. I picked up a roaster turkey from the Kroger deli. Although I did fix corn on the cob, baked potato and broccoli w/cheese. That is the extent of my culinary skills.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful story of family life. Brian is a good man. Both our families are blessed with super men.

Kevin said...

It's not cheating if you had to turn on any kitchen appliance other than the microwave.